ServerSettings="Mail, news, and directory server settings"
Zones="Mail and news security zones"
RestSite="Put mail and news in the Restricted Sites zone (instead of the Internet zone)"
HTMLMail="HTML mail and news composition settings"
DisableHTMLinMail="Mail: Make plain text message composition the default for mail messages (instead of HTML mail)"
DisablePlaininNews="News: Make HTML message composition the default for news posts (instead of plain text)"
Navigation="Folder and Message Navigational Elements"
OutlookBar="Turn on Outlook Bar"
FolderView="Turn off Folder List (tree view of folders)"
FolderBar="Turn on Folder Bar (horizontal line that displays the selected folder's name)"
TipofDay="Turn off the Tip of the Day"
IEAK_Title=Outlook Express
IEAK_DescriptionTitle=Outlook Express Policy Settings and Restrictions
IEAK_Description1=Outlook Express provides system policies designed to reduce mail and news support costs.
IEAK_Description2=Outlook Express uses Internet Explorer 4.0's security zones. Normally, all user mail is placed in the Internet zone, where users are prompted before potentially dangerous active content is run. However, you can place Outlook Express mail and news in the Restricted Sites zone. The default settings for the Restricted Sites zone prohibit running almost all active content (the user will be protected from the content without any prompts).
IEAK_Description3=By default, Outlook Express composes mail messages in HTML and news messages in plain text. You are strongly encouraged to retain these settings.
IEAK_Description4=Outlook Express allows you to customize your default view for consistency with the configuration of other programs familiar to your users.